Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I Could Really Use a Wish Right Now

Hey everyone! I am still an inpatient at Children's Hospital Boston. While we know I need to have my foot debulked by Dr. Spencer in about a month, I also have another Klippel issue occurring simultaneously. Perhaps this one is most frustrating, as we are currently unable to get to the root cause of it despite heaps of imaging and blood tests; my back and buttock have been hurting a great deal – and this goes beyond a typical daily chronic pain level. At the moment, I am currently inundated with pain medicines like
oxycontin and oxycodone, so I apologize if my writing is not all that cohesive. One of the things I like about my Dr.'s here is that they sincerely trust me – at least they certainly seem to! As far as when to go home and what not, they are mainly leaving that decision within my anxiety-ridden hands... While emotionally I am ready to leave instantaneously, my mind is telling me this is hardly the right thing to do. Even on the hefty dosages of pain medicines, I am still sporting some abnormal pain on the previously aforementioned areas. Prior to leaving, I would like to see the pain ease up, this way I am able to make sure things are not heading in a more vile direction as opposed to a more pleasant one..perhaps within a couple of days I will be ready to pack my bags! Either way, I refuse to go home on this much pain medication as I believe that to be highly risky in terms of addiction.

I miss my dog immensely, not to mention the freedom of not being an I always do once being here for more than a few days at a time! One of the minuscule things that annoys me greatly are the nurses being all "you" every two hours or so about how much you ate/drank/went to the bathroom. They, of course, are just doing their job – and I appreciate that. Nurses, in my opinion anyway, are the backbones of hospitals in general... However, when they ask me those questions, part of me just wants to retort “None of your damn business! I am 23 for heck's sake!” Never in my wildest dreams, however, would I ever do something like that in ten million years! Because, like I said, they are merely just doing their job and deserve to be treated with a great deal of no way would I actually take out my internal frustration and misplace it towards them. At this point, though, I really just miss everything about home life and am anxiously awaiting the time in which I feel safe enough to resume my life there. It's about 3 AM here, and I should attempt to sleep prior to the doctors making their rounds this morning. In the meantime, however, wishing you all well! I hope this post was not too difficult to interpret given my fuzzy state of mind!

Lots of love,


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