Monday, September 16, 2013

Hello Again, Hospital = (

Hey everyone! I am, as some of you may already be aware, back in the hospital yet again with another cellulitis infection. Here is how it all started: I awoke Thursday afternoon with an intense pain that spread from my back down the middle back of my KTS impacted leg. It felt as though someone were skinning that part of my body alive; it was as though someone was carving into me with ten knives throughout the area. I have had that feeling many a time before with cellulitis, but this time the pain level was so amplified that every passing moment felt like sheer torture.

My dad drove me into Boston immediately, where it was proven through my WBC that I was indeed infected. I already knew I was, but unfortunately in the emergency room you often get doctors who are unfamiliar with your situation. I, however, know the feeling of infection so well that I trust my intuition when things aren't right. Shortly after arriving to the hospital, I sparked a 39.3 temperature, and my heart rate was down into the 80's. The redness came with vengeance, albeit after hours of being in the emergency room. I was told the blood cultures were already growing back a bacteria; this was rather odd to hear as I have only grown something back twice in my life before. In fact, I think Dr. Fishman said I was the only one of his KTS patients who has grown back any specific kind of bacteria. In a way it's good, as it tells you exactly the bug that needs to be treated. However, it also proves the infection is in my bloodstream, which is rather frightening. I have had sepsis several times before, and of course it is incredibly trying... However, this infection is by far the most painful and stubborn one I have had thus far. By the way, I grew back Strep B Gram Positive in my culture.

There is so much more I want to tell you all about this infection, but due to how fatigued I currently am, I will continue this post either tomorrow or the next day, Wishing you all nothing but well! The only blessing about this hospitalization is my incredibly strong and brilliant KTS friend Rachel is here on the same floor as me and her lovely mom is staying with her. It is so nice to be able to get to see them while here, they truly are such brave, beautiful people. However, Rachel is going through a tough time herself so I would love it if you guys could open your heart to her and say some prayers.

My eyes are starting to shut by themselves, so that's my signal to go, for now at least. I look forward to writing more soon.

Until next time, - A xoxo

1 comment:

  1. How to Kiss: Before the First Kiss - Hello Kisses :
