Sunday, September 8, 2013

Foot/Ankle Issue

Sometimes, I become rather shy in regards to my blog nowadays as I know a lot of family and friends are reading it. At first I was a lot more comfortable being so raw and open about my deepest emotions, but sometimes as of late I have become shy. It's almost as though I would rather complete strangers read it than those closest to me, if that makes even the slightest sense... It's not that I do not appreciate people caring enough to even take time out of their day to read up on me, for I do... I can just be incredibly coy and timid in regards to my writing ability and the way in which I express my emotions.

But...Carrying on! Below is my foot as of current. My ankle/top of foot (outer left part) have been in a momentous amount of pain these past couple of weeks. I went to my interventional radiologist and was told it was inflamed and there were some small clots. As far as treatment, I will know a more definitive plan come September 13th at the Vascular Anomalies Clinic.

Until then, it's Advil 400 mg at a time for relief. I found it helps more than my Meloxicam (another NSAID) and since you cannot mix the medications due to them being in the same class, I have solely been relying upon the Advil.  - A

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arianna,

    I stumbled upon your blog after searching Google for KTS after seeing a tv show about it. I'm sorry you have to go through this. I was looking at the pics you placed of you in the hospital and with your sister. I don't know you but there was so much strength in those pictures, you have a smile on almost every picture. While it must be horrible for a kid that age to be in the hospital that often.
    Don't really know what to say, I'm not someone who often replies to weblogs, let alone a weblog from someone I don't know in a whole other country (I'm from Holland, that might explain my bad grammar :) ).
    Just wanted to let you know that you come across as a beautiful and strong girl.
    Best wishes with your foot, I hope the meds will help and you're not in too much pain.

    Oh, and about how it is sometimes easier to open up to strangers than to loved ones.... maybe odd, but very recognizable for me too.

    Well take care,

