Thursday, September 27, 2012

I love being a college student, I really do. It gives me an incredible sense of normalcy that I would otherwise lack in my daily life. However, on nights like tonight, I wouldn't mind having summer back for a short period of time.

I am in work overload, and while I freakishly enjoy doing my academics on some nights, I am not feeling quite so stellar about them right now. What does any of this have to do with my KTS?

Well, a little over a month ago I went and had my iron levels checked; I have been bleeding a lot, but have not wanted to go for the surgery that temporarily stops it (my last one was a while ago). Prior to getting checked, I was exhausted all of the time and slept more than I ever had before. It was as though some dreary spell had been cast upon me.
Anyways, my iron levels had dropped a lot since the last time I had been checked (June, when I was hospitalized last). My doctor said that this could explain the tiredness I had been feeling. So, he put me on some daily iron supplements to help bring the levels back up. I am going to have them checked again in about a month, to see how the supplements are working. If my level is working its way back up, I can hold off the surgery for longer.

Even though I do feel less tired, I am still more dreary and get exhausted really easy. Overall, my body feels week, and my immune system could use some more help from my diet. My body is telling me to sleep, but my schedule says otherwise, and in order to be successful, I have no choice but to try and abide by it the best I can. So I study, and then study some more, classes, club meetings, etc. Then the weekend comes, and guess how I spend my Friday night? Sleeping. I love it! Waking up the next day and feeling refreshed and well-rested is the best.

I do count myself as really lucky though. As tired as I may be, I am otherwise pretty healthy; unfortunately, not everyone shares my luck. A dear friend of mine is back in the hospital after just being released a couple of days ago. When I do feel overwhelmed, I think of her and how much she would love the freedom to go to school and live the “normal” life that I am for the most part living. It's a reminder to myself to not take my own hectic days for granted.

& then, I carry on.

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