Tuesday, January 22, 2013

These are my parents; I honestly am not sure what to write other than how grateful I am for how much they have sacrificed for me over the years in order to give me the best quality of life possible. And believe me, there have been numerous sacrifices in conjunction with a lot of hard work on their behalf that has taken place throughout the entirety of my life. Sometimes, I feel as though my actions on the outside indicate that I may take that fact for granted. Inside, however, I am eternally grateful and can only hope that I am able to give back to them in even the smallest fraction of what they have given me over the years.

I am trying to work on being a more positive, expressive person on the outside as I used to be several years ago before life events hardened me a bit. If there is someone who has been there for you throughout your trials and tribulations, don't forget to let them know how much you appreciate their presence and contributions to your well-being. - A


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