Monday, March 10, 2014


It wasn't as surreal as you would imagine it to be – at least it didn't feel that way. It was almost as though we picked up where we had left off...we had first met in person in Minnesota a couple of years ago. Skype, Facebook, texts and phone calls were a constant between us ever since then, and perhaps that it why it was not quite so overwhelming to see her in person yet again. As the car pulled up, I saw Sinead and her mom waiting for me outside the Longwood Inn. Because I am on so many medicines for my KTS at present, I have been battling feelings of nausea, sweating, insomnia, etc. I had only slept about 3 hours the night prior and felt so incredibly fatigued, but I did not care. I did not care that my leg was aching beyond belief and that my butt still felt sore from the last infection and surgery. Nothing was going to get in the way of me seeing one of my best friends for the first time since the KT Conference a couple of years back.
It was so nice to see one of my dearest friends I had met from the online medical community. I wish I had felt better, but unfortunately I did not have a say in the matter and tried to ignore all of my yucky symptoms to the best of my ability. Having friends who understand your daily struggles has been so incredibly life-changing, and it makes me feel as though I am not so isolated. Below is a couple of pictures from Sinead's visit to Boston. - Arianna

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