If I am guilty of anything (in terms of this blog,) it is posting too much material within too short a period of time. However, there has been a lot going on as of recent and a great deal of happenings to post about. While I have been writing about the Sirolimus (and my decision to halt it, at least temporarily), tonight I will be focusing on a different matter related to my KTS.
At current, my ankle and foot are terribly swollen and in a great deal of pain. Based upon the feel of the skin and where the redness in (in a vertical manner that can practically be mapped out), my mom and I surmise that the current issue may be a case of thrombophlebitis. The Ketorolac I have at home has not been working, and I currently have no pain relief available... As far as heating pads and ice are concerned, any pressure that touches the area is terribly painful. I soaked it in hot water earlier, and that was fine. All in all, though, the pain, redness and tenderness remained the same.
Today, I spoke to Cindy, one of the most incredible nurse practitioners I have worked with in the past and present. She works in the IR department, and is often described as Dr. Alomari's right hand person. I asked her if he was in town (as I know a multitude of Dr.'s had been away at a Vascular Anomalies conference in Australia) and was delighted to find out he was back from his trip. With that said, my dad will be taking me to see him tomorrow and we will figure out how to proceed from there as walking on my foot is currently incredibly painful (along with the ankle).
Below is a picture of the problematic portion of my KTS limb at present (it was taken in micro mode, with the flash on).
I will update on how my appointment went at some point tomorrow.
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