Sunday, February 16, 2014

& To the Store We Went

Allow me to preface this post by acknowledging that something rather atypical has been happening with my upper KT veins as of present. I have been in touch with the lovely Dr. Trenor and hemotology nurse Jenn, and they have been incredibly helpful. However, to get to the root of the issue, I am awaiting Dr. Alomari's return on the 18th of February. Perhaps I will have improved by then, or perhaps not. That, however, is beside the point.

My elder sister and I have not always had the most amicable of a relationship. She is a rather lovely girl, one who is incredibly level-headed along with book and street smarts. She is physically beautiful, and is known as friendly to those who cross her path. While we used to be incredibly close as children,  our dynamic drastically changed as we both entered our teen-aged years. Suddenly there was vicious name calling and heated arguments, all elevated by my constant medical upheaval.

Now, she is moved out of the house and married to a lovey man who is also worthy of great praise. I was not quite sure how our relationship would pan out following her leaving, but I was sure it could not get much worse. And, much to my delight, it has grown stronger and we are more compatible than we've been in several years.

Yesterday, she stopped by the house while I was in great agony from my previously mentioned abnormal Klippel pain. I asked her to take me to Target, to which she first replied she did not feel like going. I, however, had not been out of the house in days and was tired of feeling alone in my bedroom while withering away from pain. Nobody else would home to take me out until the next day, and I was desperate to leave my all too familiar surroundings. “Pleaaaaaaaaaaase,” I pleaded. “Fine,” she said, and suddenly a smile occupied my tear-stricken face. Taking me places is not very easy these days as I require some form of mobile assistance like a wheelchair or electric scooter. Still, she was willing to take me and that in itself meant the world.

Off we went to Target, and she assisted me with things like putting my items on the belt and lifting my bags for me when we got home. I was so sincerely appreciative as I never want anyone to feel as though they have to do anything for me... the last thing I want to be is a burden, so to speak. And, if I'm being rather honest, I quite often feel like one to both my family and friends alike. Although she didn't feel like going to the store, she put my feelings first and that in itself meant the world to me. Sibling relationships are incredibly sticky to begin with, but adding a chronic illness to the mixture is just extra, well, complexity. Yet, with understanding and consideration on both sides, they are hardly impossible and can be rather fulfilling. Despite our past arguments, we always have home in common. Also, she has seen me at my ugliest and is still willing to hang out with me. Now that in itself embodies the concept of family ; ) - A

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