Hey everyone! At current, I have a great deal happening in my life both medically and personally. I will be posting in regards to these matters very soon. However, this post is going to be about an incredibly awesome project my great friend William Lee is spearheading for the KT Community!
Here is how he has explained the project, in his own words:
Here is how he has explained the project, in his own words:
Announcing a worldwide K-T Support Project!
Imagine all of us submitting for publication in a world-class Coffee Table-Top Scrapbook an engaging photo or two along with a brief message or even a synopsis of our life to date. This will be a child’s dream book; and for us adults a comforting memory that we are not alone.
We are doctors, attorneys, paramedics, psychologists, patient advocates, mothers, fathers, professional golfers, popular musicians, artists, entrepreneurs, motivational speakers, researchers, teachers, engineers, mechanics, race car enthusiasts, radio personalities, students, and so much more.
Look at the world map on the Facebook page for k-t.org. It demonstrates just how global a family we are. It’s simply remarkable.
Every K-T Kid in the world will now have a ready reference book that surely lets them know they are not alone and all things are possible. PLEASE join us. Help us to celebrate our wonderful Klippel-Trenaunay Family. Help inspire generations to come.
As many of you know, I journal using the wordpress.com blogging site. My site is called "Seen, yet Not Heard". This scrapbook project is sponsored by k-t.org and managed through my site. More detailed information can be found here:http://williamantonlee.wordpress.com/kt-scrapbook/.
I set up a special email account to handle communications, providing a method to keep traffic less congested on the blast email server which uses listserv.
Please email me at: seen.yet.not.heard@earthlink.net
Once we have a better idea of participation we can estimate the cost of the publication. It is our intent to price it as low as possible; basically to cover costs. Additional proceeds will go to K-T Support.
Talk about a dream come true! I am so excited to see this project spring to life and am very grateful to my companion for his zest and ideas in regards to helping others with this condition. William also has his own blog in which he writes about life with his Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome. Click here in order to be directed to the home page and don't forget to contact him if you would like to be a participant in this incredibly great project.
To read more about the project, please read William's post about it on his personal blog here. If you want to know more about the project and/or are considering being a participant, I highly suggest you read the incredibly informative post.
Hope you all are well! - A
Thank you Ari for your support. Most importantly, thank you for your thoughtful writings. You inspire kids and parents across the world as you honestly share deeply held feelings and convictions. I am forever grateful for your friendship and see you as a major motivational force behind this project. I hope 100 plus companions will join us as we demonstrate for new generations that rare syndromes need not limit us, rather they build capable, beautiful, and loving people.