Monday, June 24, 2013

Picture Update: Current Cellulitis/Healing from Surgery

Hey guys, so just a quick post showing some pictures of my leg at present.

To begin with, here is the infected area. The redness is not very prominent; rather, it is more of a muted pink rather than a fiery red. However, the pain is so incredibly rampant and relentless. There is also a great deal of swelling.

As far as the healing from my last surgery in which I had co2 laser done along with schlerotherapy and some other injections, here are some pictures:

There is still a fair amount of bleeding associated with these. - A

1 comment:

  1. Wow, no wonder you are in so much pain! I hope it starts feeling better quickly! You need to journal the healing process! One question though... Is you deep venous system compromised at all?

    Feel better!
