Friday, December 21, 2012

I looked down at my leg and thought, is this really happening five days before Christmas?
It was, though, and now I had to decide what to do about it and fast. Cellulitis infections of this nature spread rapidly.
Christmas in the hospital didn't mean much to me, but I couldn't stomach the thought of my supportive family spending it there, they deserved to have a nice and relaxing holiday.
& so I went into my mom's medicine drawer and snuck out the emergency antibiotics she had on hand; I've been told in the past by numerous doctors to never take one without consent, but I couldn't be talked out of this one. This is by far one of the most rebellious things I've done thus far (utterly pathetic, I know).
So, by getting the pill in me at the onset of the infection, I was able to prevent systematic symptoms from furthering and an infection from spreading.
& now, I am writing this from home, as opposed to a stuffy hospital room with wires attached to me.
Sometimes, doing the wrong thing turns out to be alright.

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