Monday, February 4, 2013

When Neither Sitting Nor Standing Will Suffice

I have a dilemma, and one that is not exclusive to me by any means whatsoever. In fact, it may impact more people than you might think, or perhaps it just seems that way to me because of all my KTS friends. Anyways, pain medicine helps keep my lower leg in check; with my pain medicine, I am able to function similar to that of a person with a normal leg. It's truly a blessing, that much I will certainly tell you. However, pain medicine can only go so far (at least in this context). I cannot stand for endless hours or ponder signing up for the Boston Marathon anytime soon. Which, quite frankly, is perfectly fine. I feel incredibly fortunate to be able to get out of bed and to class without feeling even 1/5th the intensity of pain I used to (prior to finding a pain medication that worked).

Since people most often associate my illness with the parts of it in which they can see (the leg), they don't always realize that it doesn't just impact my left leg. My Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome extends up to my left buttock as well; in fact, a great portion of my surgeries and infections have revolved around this area. It's a problematic area for me, and it has grown to be increasingly problematic to me as the years have progressed. For example, a plethora of hermangiomas have developed on the buttock area that make it painful to sit; these can be removed by my excellent surgeon every couple of years or so. So while these cannot be permanently squashed, they can certainly be maintained.

Right now, I need to have the operation done as I am overdue and sitting is rather uncomfortable, even on soft surfaces. Plus, the longer I put pressure on the hermangiomas by sitting on them, the more I risk them becoming irritated, the skin being broken down and becoming infected. Even though it's a day surgery and has relatively low risk, I put it off because it's not a very comfortable procedure to have done.

Some people wish for rounder butts, or ones that have less cellulite or whatever. I, however, just wish for one in which I can sit on without discomfort and/or fear of a cellulitis infection.

Where am I going with this? We live in a society that likes to see things in black and white; I for one sure do. Good and bad, weak and strong, soft or hard... But it's not often that simple, unfortunately, as is often evidenced by medical conditions.

“Oh your leg hurts? Well then why don't you just sit down?”
- A

1 comment:

  1. This was me everyday battling because I couldn't stand nor sit due to a vascular anomaly in my left buttock so I used to constantly lay down because it was the only thing I felt like I could do but sometimes your not in the right location to do that so it takes strength to push through until you can lay down. But what really stinks is that sometimes you have to push other opportunities away for your comfort and health which is that fine line of do you push yourself to achieve? Or do you listen to your body?
